
“Who You Gonna Call?”

“Who You Gonna Call…” 


(If you call Ghostbusters, too, we’d understand👻).

As October rolls in and the spooky season begins, there’s a chill in the air—and it’s not just from the changing weather. The start of fall can bring all sorts of surprises, and while some are fun and festive, others can be downright frightening—especially when it comes to your IT systems. Whether it’s a ghost in the machine or a full-on cybersecurity nightmare, you don’t want to be caught unprepared.

Fortunately, there’s someone you can call… Stratti.

As a managed IT service provider, Stratti provides technology and helpdesk support for all kinds of cybergoblins. We can ghoulie-proof your business before the bad guys and grumpy wifi arrives. Our proactive approach means far fewer, and smaller, headaches for you down the road. 

So our recommendation? Call us before Gozer makes her move.

Here are a few reasons you might give us a proactive call:

1. You’re renovating, or there’s construction happening. 

Whether you’re knocking out a wall, or the floor below you is becoming a new restaurant—give us a buzz. We’d love to help you avoid having any of your systems, phone lines, or networks interrupted.

2. You’re getting a new phone system. 

Ring ring! Loop us in from the beginning and we’ll make sure your customers can reach you when they need to. (Consider VoIP and UCAAS Services while you’re at it.)

3. You’re changing Internet providers. 

Hopefully, you’ve found a cheaper price or faster speed! Before you switch everything over, though, let us know. We can help make changing ISP provider/configuration a painless process.

4. You’re moving. 

How exciting! Before you start packing, though, call Stratti and we’ll help you make a game plan. You don’t want to arrive at your new building just to find there’s no service, and you left your router in the old office.

5. You’re worried about technical issues. 

Whether it’s a network connectivity problem or glitchy wifi, don’t be afraid to hop on the phone. Our helpdesk experts can help diagnose and resolve your problem quickly.

6. You need to update your system. 

Call us if you’re receiving unusual alerts about system updates, security messages, or patches. Regular backups and updates are crucial for maintaining the security and performance of your IT systems.

7. You’ve got some security concerns. 

That email with a suspicious link? Weird activity in your network logs? A strange alert from your antivirus? (Don’t click it!). And don’t wait—call Stratti. Cybersecurity threats are real and evolving every day. Whether it’s phishing attempts, malware, or unauthorized access to your systems, we’re here to help. We’ll assess the situation, mitigate risks, and ensure your data and systems remain secure. You’ll sleep better tonight when you’re not worrying about the cyber boogeymen.

8. You’re looking for some employee training. 

Let’s face it: employees, through no fault of their own, are usually the weakest link in your cybersecurity protocol. Give us a call, and let’s chat about some training options around topics like scam prevention and backups.

9. You’re expanding your business. 

If your business is growing, we can help you identify scalability needs and provide resources to support business growth.

Stratti is here to keep your systems safe and sound—before the ghosties get there. Sign up for a FREE 15-minute cybersecurity assessment before the real monsters show up.