About Us

What Clients Are Saying

My Life is 1000 Times Less Stressful because I Can Focus on MY Business!

Andy Whitcomb Controller Brookstone Restoration
Andy Whitcomb
Brookstone Restoration

We’ve tried other IT solutions that didn’t allow me to focus on the things that matter in my business. I wore the IT hat and put out fires all day. We outsourced our IT to other companies that were slow and unresponsive.

Stratti made my life 1000 times less stressful because I know they have me covered. Not only do they handle issues before they come up, but they are quick and responsive when problems arise. It is one call to Stratti and our problem is handled.

If you’re looking to stop struggling with IT, want a fast response, and want to be focused on the things that matter in your business, Stratti is the IT company for you.

Open Communication and Trust are Keys for Our Company

Chris Bass Owner Builder Services
Chris Bass
Builder Services

In our experience, Stratti handles communication better than any other IT company we’ve worked with.  Open communication is better both ways – from Stratti to and from my team – and this builds trust.

Stratti delivers value and service, communicates openly, and has a team concept.

If you’re on the fence about choosing Stratti over other IT companies, forget the time and aggravation of dealing with other companies.  Go with a company you can trust.  The single biggest benefit to our company is Stratti has a team I can trust to support us.  They’re worth it.

Someone Is Always Right On It!

Jenni Merrell and Mandy Irwin CPA Owner Merrel Irwin and Associates
Jenni Merrel, CPA/Owner
Mandy Irwin, CPA/Owner
Merrell, Irwin & Associates

Stratti provides after-hours support, has great customer service and quick responses.

Creating service tickets is easy. The staff is nice and they get things working correctly.

When we’re having technology trouble, someone at Stratti is always right on it. And, we don’t have to worry about how much it’s going to cost because we’re a Gold Managed Service Client.

If you’re looking for an IT company that is friendly and responsive, call Stratti.

Stratti Creates True Partnerships

Cliff Jacobson Owner Spray Chem
Cliff Jacobson
Spray Chem

Compared to other IT firms we have worked with, Stratti takes time to maintain a personal relationship with us and our needs.

They understand our special systems and the specific requirements for operation. Stratti has systems in place so their employees have knowledge about our software, which means, we get better support.

The collaboration with Stratti is a partnership. They work with us to understand our technology needs and provide great support. Call Stratti for a true IT Partner.

I Trust Stratti with My Technology and My Money

Chris Hill Owner JCMH Consulting
Chris Hill
JCMH Consulting

The single biggest benefit to my company since moving to Stratti’s support is I trust them.

I don’t have to worry about my technology or manage it. The Stratti team is friendly and they communicate in terms I can understand.

They’re transparent. Instead of playing the blame game, Stratti works to get me through the problems and focus on the solution. And, if a tech doesn’t know the answer, they will escalate it and get it handled.

Lastly, I trust Brent. He spends my money like it’s his – wisely. He gets me the right solution at the right price.

If you’re looking for an IT company you can trust, call Stratti.

We Lost Valuable Data in the Past.  Now, We Know Our Data is SAFE!

tim vanderheiden ceo safepath products
Tim VanderHeiden
SafePath Products

If you have ever lost data, it can be one of the more sobering business experiences.  It was even more impactful for us when we realized if we had the proper IT oversight, the data loss didn’t have to happen.

Since moving to Stratti’s Proactive Managed Client service, we know our data is safe.  Not only do we have redundant daily backups, but we also have hourly backups, which provide an increased level of security and comfort for our business enterprise.  We have a complex network with multiple servers and remote services, and finding a company who can easily handle that complexity is valuable. For us, that company is Stratti.