
Is it Legit? Identifying Spoof Emails

You know you got one of those emails because you think one of these thoughts:

Hmm.. this looks odd…

Is this Legit?

I wonder if I should send this to Stratti?

STOP! And do these 3 Email Safety Checks

Email Safety Check #1:  Hover over the email address, because hovering can reveal a sneaky sender!

For example:  If you hover your mouse/cursor over the email address without clicking on it, you can read WHO the sender really is!  Did you catch it in our example? (totally safe, but spooky!)  You should’ve seen this:

mail to bad guy at somewhere overseas example

Email Safety Check #2:  Are they asking you for money, such as changing a direct deposit bank account number? Does something feel or look out of the ordinary? … it probably is!  In this case, pick up the phone and call the company or person who’s supposedly sending the email.  Speaking directly to someone is the fastest and best way to verify if the request is legit.

Email Safety Check #3:  Does it include a link they want you to click on to access your account? Here are a couple examples of spoofed notifications.  Looks pretty Legit, right?

Wrong.  DON’T CLICK THE LINK.  Instead, CLOSE THE EMAIL, open a new browser window, and log into your account to check, or consider picking up the phone to call the company and ask them directly.  They will be able to verify or deny the request. 

Why did we publish this?

We’re providing these 3 Email Safety Checks because we want to empower you with knowledge about technology.  This way you can learn to identify these non-legit emails yourself. (How cool!)

And remember, we’ve got your back.  If you do the 3 Email Safety Checks, and you still can’t determine if the email is legitimate or not, consider submitting a ticket to Stratti.  We’re ready to help!

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